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Small Gallery Woman with Friend

Dimensions in centimetres height22.8 × width15.2 cm / Dimensions in inches height9 × width6 ″
Medium oil on gesso



These lone gallery figures came from drawings I made on the hoof  when I was in my first year at Camberwell School of Art. Whilst they are tiny paintings, I was drawn to how the sparseness of the white cube was suddenly animated by the  visitor. Drawing her was slightly awkward when she noticed me, (always a hazard and something to be very aware of when getting things down in a pocket book and fulfilling  one’s role as a recorder in public) and in the end I remember she  stared me  out  until her friend joined her and they moved off into another room! I had gone to see Richard Wilson’s iconic installation piece 20:50 which had moved from Matt’s Gallery in the East End of London to Saatchi’s spectacular space in Campden. This sublime work of a  waist-high reservoir of recycled sump oil, reflected the ceiling and walls of the roof in perfect clarity on the oily surface, and  became for me about the most iconic and brilliant Britart piece. And the depiction of a lone visitor in a gallery space is still a reoccurring theme of mine  and one I have returned to many times over the years. - TH